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Where to install CCTV Cameras at Home?

Where to install CCTV Cameras at Home_

CCTV Camera has become a major part of keeping a place or a person secured. With the help of a CCTV Camera, you can create a safe environment in the dark ally, workplace, retail store, gym, spa, hotel, even in your home.

But placing at the CCTV Camera at the right place is really important because you don’t want your CCTV Camera to be recording a blank wall for a whole day.

When you look back at the recording you will be only left with a broken heart and stolen things from your home If you get to place the CCTV Camera at the right place number of CCTV Cameras will decrease.

When the number of CCTV Cameras becomes lessen the cost is going to go down as well. I might say you are going to learn tip on how you can reduce the cost of CCTV Camera as well 😉


To make things easier you can roughly draw an overview of your house or grab the Google map satellite view of your house to roughly see where to place the CCTV Camera surrounding the house. Then mark the place where the CCTV Camera is needed and the estimated number of Cameras will be needed as well.

You might also need to consider the coverage of the CCTV Camera of the landscape this is because a different type of CCTV Camera has a different type of lens, angle, focus, etc. you can proceed to go to the estimated places so you can get an overview of how the recording will look like, this will help to find out whether there is any obstacle that is blocking the way of the CCTV Camera.


location to install CCTV at external of home

Image from Youtube

The CCTV Camera should be placed on the roof connecting the wall. In this way, the CCTV Camera will be hidden from the eyes fo burglar which avoids the possibility of vandalism and the top view will be the perfect angle for installing the CCTV Camera.

Front and the back door are the most commonplace of a break-in so it is really important to place the CCTV Camera. The right place to install the CCTV Camera is to place it above or side of the door. So, you can manage to get the side angle which makes the face more recognizable.

When deciding the placement of the CCTV Camera don’t just focus on the entrance of the front and backdoor make sure to cover all the possible entrance like a window, hidden pathway, garage, anyways to enter the property, and also make sure to cover the overview of the entire house.

Nowadays burglars are smart, they are even breaking in through the roof. We gotta think outside the box to outsmart the criminal.


There are few things that you will need to keep in mind for placing CCTV Camera near the window. When it comes to placement of the CCTV Camera the first rule that you have to keep in mind is to DO NOT POINT THE CAMERA TOWARD A LIGHT SOURCE.

Even experts suggest avoiding placing the CCTV Camera directed to the window because the lighting will reflect the light appearing for the CCTV Camera itself.  Not only the window this includes the sun, unusually bright light, etc.

Above you can find a quite easy example for CCTV Camera near the window. You can see how the night vision light is causing the CCTV Camera to reflect back.


The next place that you will need to cover is the high trafficked ways. Both hallways and staircase is the main way to get around the house, so it’s crucial to install a CCTV Camera there. This will also help in monitoring the activity inside the house as well.

By installing CCTV cameras in common areas like the kitchen, the living room will make it more accessible to monitor the children’s activity and safety.

When the house gets crowded during the festival or holiday season having a CCTV Camera will be really useful. If a stranger mixed in the crowd the CCTV Camera will help to identify the face and monitor for any unusual activity.

Other than that, the room with high prices valuable such as jewelry, electronic gadget, antics collection, etc.


CCTV CAMERA in johor bahruImage from Pinterest

Common mistakes

  1. The CCTV Camera should not place too high from the ground because this will result in an unclear image on the recording.
  2. Placing CCTV Cameras in someone’s room or the toilet is considered invading of privacy.
  3. It is suggested to place the CCTV Camera at least 9 feet from the ground which will avoid vandalism.
  4. For home security, it’s important to have a door access control and security alarm system as well. It helps to increase the security level at home
  5. Pick the right type of CCTV Camera  which have all the features to get the outcome as you were expecting
  6. Lighting is really sensitive for CCTV Camera because if there is more lighting the CCTV Camera starts to reflect itself and if there is less lighting it’s going too hard for the CCTV Camera to capture the image clearly.
  7. Cover all the blind spots with CCTV Camera


Common mistakes while installing cctv camera at home

Image from Wikipedia, Insider, and

Final Thought

Placement of a CCTV Camera might seem to be an easy task as matter of fact it is easy to install CCTV Camera but placement plays an important role. Placing CCTV Camera at the wrong place is just going to be a waste of money, energy, and a lot of stress for yourself.

If you going to spend money on buying the CCTV Camera it’s best to let the security company install it as well. There is a lot of security company offering consultation and installation of CCTV Camera at Johor Bahru. Leave the work to the experts to get the best outcome.

Where to install CCTV Cameras at Home?


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