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5 Solid Reason Not To Install Dummy CCTV

dummy cctv

Due to the increase in theft, many people tend to install CCTV. But is all the CCTV in use? Is the CCTV real or a dummy CCTV. Some people want to secure their premises, but they don’t want to invest in a security system. Instead, they install a dummy CCTV to alert others that they have a CCTV on their premise. 

But is it really a good idea to install a dummy CCTV? The fact is that installing a dummy CCTV is a bad idea. Dummy camera is not a cost-effective solution. Imagine the consequences if you installed a dummy CCTV on your premises. What if the criminals got hold of this information? Can you imagine how fast they would exploit it? 

It is not advisable to install a dummy CCTV. Keep reading on, and you will know why dummy CCTV does more harm. 

What is a Dummy CCTV?

dummy cctv
Image Credit: Canva

Dummy CCTV is designed to look like a real CCTV in appearance, but it is fake. They come in different sizes and shapes. Some even have a red light on the CCTV to give an impression that it is working. 

Fake CCTV can be procured from retailers or even buy them online. The price compared to the real one will be cheaper. It will be a more affordable option. Many dummy camera have a plastic lens, some cables and a body. Some cheap dummy CCTV don’t even have a real lens. 

Reasons Not To Install A Dummy CCTV

1. Dummy CCTV Easily Identifiable

dummy cctv
Image Credit: Canva

If you think you can outsmart a burglar by installing a dummy CCTV instead of a real one, you are wrong. They can tell the difference between a real and a dummy CCTV, especially if the burglar is an experienced criminal.

So how do they precisely identify the fake CCTV? You won’t believe it. The features such as flashing red lights, the single-wire connection, and the arbitrary movement of the lens have already given you away. The burglars know what it is about as they learn from experience.

All these signs are apparent to those professional criminals who can exploit it immediately. You are only fooling yourself that the fake CCTV can keep burglars away. Your house will be the next target if a burglar knows about the fake CCTV.

2. Dummy CCTV Is Not Cheap As You Think

dummy cctv
Image Credit: Canva

Many of you think that investing in a real CCTV security system is not worth it. Dummy CCTV is cheaper and still has the security they want. The most important thing is that dummy CCTV can save cost. Then you’re mistaken. 

Fake CCTV is not as cheap as you think. Yes, the cost is more affordable than a real CCTV system, but it is not cheap enough to be worth a massive loss if anything happens. Nowadays, real CCTV is getting cheaper and has better features and quality. It will be more affordable especially for wireless CCTV, which doesn’t need much wiring. 

Try to survey brands that you can afford instead of buying a fake CCTV which may not meet your needs. Yes, you are spending lesser on buying a fake CCTV, but what if it failed to meet your needs.

3. Dummy CCTV Can't Prove Anything

dummy cctv
Image Credit: Canva

It will be great if the dummy CCTV can keep away the criminal, but what if the criminal happens to identify the dummy CCTV and break into your house. You wouldn’t have any proof to provide in such an identity. You won’t be able to identify the criminal and have no evidence to provide to the police.

If your neighbors or friends know that the CCTV you installed is a dummy, potential criminals will get a whiff and may execute the crime anytime. You will then be in zero protection.

Your dummy CCTV has no help but only harm to you by that time. You will have full of things to clear up but no evidence to provide to the police to catch the bad guys.

4. Dummy CCTV Has False Sense Of Security

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Image Credit: Canva

Sometimes, you may just mention casually to your neighbors or friends about the dummy CCTV in your house, and they may slip it to another outsider. This can be dangerous when someone intends to take advantage of it as you can’t stop the person from leaking out the information about your dummy.

If the information slips out, it can open up the scope for crime in your area. What comes worse is that if you just happen to quarrel with your neighbors and they are holding a grudge against you, they could use your dummy CCTV as an advantage to commit crimes to settle their personal scores.

You can’t imagine what will happen if the information slips out. Will this cause further damage to you and your family rather than damage on the property only, and you got no proof.

5. Dummy CCTV Has Legal Issues

dummy cctv
Image Credit: Canva

It is unlikely to get sued by installing in your own house, but it may if it is at your workplace. You may face legal issues installing dummy CCTV, which isn’t a joke. 

Not everyone knows that it is a dummy CCTV. People will assume that it is real and leave their valuable things around if their valuables are gone, and there is no footage. For the victim’s view, it is a false sense of security to them. They will argue that they were misled into believing it is safe as there is a CCTV. 

This will get you into trouble, and it’s probably isn’t a good idea to install a dummy CCTV. Don’t give the idea that CCTV is real. 

So after reading all these reasons, are you still deciding to install a dummy CCTV. For security reason, it is always a good idea to invest in a real security system. It is a good protection for you and your family. 

CSI solution

Over the years, we have embarked to be the best provider of security and surveillance systems for many homeowners and retailers here in Malaysia. All businesses, regardless of size, warrant our full attention and service. We know our clients definitely need to pay extra attention to such intricate security details at their workplace.

We are one of the leading home security providers in Johor Bahru, Malaysia empowers us to have the experience and true understanding of how security, particularly remote surveillance and access control security, is of uttermost value to any business.

CMS: 7 Ways To Secure Your Work Environment

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